Elder Moser
Elder Jared Moser has been called to serve in the Chile Santiago West Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on August 22, 2012.
We will use this blog to post his e-mails, letters, and photos from his mission, to record them for him and to share with his family and friends.
Feel free to make comments, but he will not have internet access and will not see the comments until he returns home.
We will use this blog to post his e-mails, letters, and photos from his mission, to record them for him and to share with his family and friends.
Feel free to make comments, but he will not have internet access and will not see the comments until he returns home.
For readability, some spelling, punctuation, and capitalization have been standardized.
Mailing Address
Elder Jared H. Moser
Mission Chile Santiago Oeste
Casilla de Correos 149
Pajaritos 1921
Maipu, Chile
Elder Jared H. Moser
Mission Chile Santiago Oeste
Casilla de Correos 149
Pajaritos 1921
Maipu, Chile
Monday, January 14, 2013
Hola! Well it was
a pretty good week here in Chile! Lots
of sunshine! It has been really good
with my new comp, Elder Cervantes. He is
a great teacher and it has been really fun to teach with him. My Spanish has gotten a lot better with him so
far. But we do speak a lot of English too
because he wants to go to BYU, so he needs to know it good, so we speak both a lot.
Man, it sounds like it has been pretty
cold in Star Valley! I can't even
imagine it being that cold in a different part of the world! Today my comp had to go to the mission doctor
which is in the east mission underneath the Temple, so I got to see the temple
for the first time - that was really fun. It is super small but it is really pretty, and
I am excited for when I can do a session so I can see the inside too. We ate more Mexican food with one of our
investigators again and it was super nice to have some food with taste!! It was a great change!! I don't think spices ever made it to Chile,
but it has been interesting eating with all the different members and getting
to know them more. With all the new
missionaries coming we are getting two more in our ward, so we will be
splitting the sector, which should be great so we can focus in specific parts a
little more. Those missionaries will be
here at the end of February so we still have a little time but it should be
great. I just got an e-mail today that
my new release date is going to be September 9 and school starts either that
day or the week after so that should be interesting when that all happens! Won't have too much time for relaxing!! Mom
can you send me the recipe for coconut shrimp?? I was studying the other day and that sounds
really good all of a sudden so I figured I would try to make it! So that would be great if you could send me
that. And about pictures - well my comp
kinda left my camera cord in the cyber a couple weeks ago, so I don't have any
way to charge my camera or send pictures right now. I have looked all over down here and can't
find a cord so I think you will have to send me one. And until it gets here I will keep looking,
but I don't think I will find it - I have looked all over. I just need a cord for a Nikon Coolpix camera.
Hopefully you can get one of those sent
to me! Sorry about not being able to send pictures until then!!! Sounds like grandpa is doing alright. But I hope he can get healed up soon! Doesn´t sound like a lot of fun!! I hope everyone has a great week this week!!
Monday, January 7, 2013
E-mail and Photos
Hola!! Thanks for
the e-mail! Looks like it is gonna be
another warm week in Chile! That is
great to hear that grandpa is doing good! I was thinking about him a lot this week. This week was another great week. We got to go to Santiago Central to go to the
medico for my comps foot so that was a pretty fun adventure, and the picture I
sent is the tallest building in Chile. It
is pretty stinking big, it was pretty cool to see. Man, people here that live in Maipu have to
travel to Santiago Central to work a lot of the times and it is like 1 and a
half to 2 hours on the metro. I can't
imagine going that far to work every day! Now I realize while they are never in their
houses!! This week was another great
week with our investigator, Martin. He
is awesome!! He read almost to the end
of Alma and he read almost half of the Principles of the Gospel book that the Sunday
School class uses. He told us he wants
to be baptized really bad and knows that this is the truth and where he needs
to be. The only problem is he needs to
get married. So he is working on setting
up a date with the city so they can get married. It usually takes about three months so I
probably won´t be here to see him baptized, but it has been such an awesome
experience teaching him the last couple of weeks. He was definitely someone prepared by the Lord
before hand!! It has been a way awesome
experience. We also have some other ones
that have been doing pretty good, so it will be fun to watch them progress. Today we had a asado, or grill with our zone. Had some really good food and played some
basketball - it was a great day. I have
some great elders in my zone. It has
been really fun getting to know them all. I really like my new comp a lot and we are
having a lot of good things happing in our sector the last little bit.. It is a little adjustment from Elder Myers,
but we have been having a really good time. The crazy story for this week.. well we were doing a contact at a house and
another lady that lived at the house came from behind me and grabbed me by my
arm and started pulling me in the house and said she wanted a gringo in her
house with her.. haha.. It was quite the
experience and I will make sure not to go back to that house while I am in Chile!!
It is pretty interesting being a gringo
here haha.. I get lots of comments every
day. haha... Probably shouldn't repeat
most of them in this letter, but it has kind of given me a little bit of an eye
opener to what the world really is like outside of Star Valley!! Well I am really starting to love the work a
lot, and there have been some great experiences. I hope everyone is doing good!!
Elder Moser
Elder Moser
Sunday, January 6, 2013
E-mail and Photos
31, 2012
Thanks for the pictures Dad! I really enjoyed seeing the snow! I definitely miss that a little bit! My comp thought it was crazy that where I
live, we have snow and mountains and barely any houses haha.. I have a way bigger appreciation for Bedford
after being in Santiago! The city is fun
for a while, but I definitely like small towns a lot more!! This week was a great week. My trainer went home, which was kind of sad
but I got a new really good comp so I am ok! He is from Peru, but he is pretty much fluent
in English which makes it nice, but I think my Spanish skills will grow a lot
with him too now. I am excited to work
with him in our sector and I think great things will come soon! About two weeks
ago we found a new guy by helping his mom carry her groceries home from the
store. This guy is awesome. He told us that he has been looking for the
truth his whole life and knew that is the reason why we were in his house. From Thursday night to Saturday and about 2 in
the afternoon he read from the beginning of the Book of Mormon until a little
ways into Alma. He said he couldn't stop
reading it! He came to church with us
and he loved it there so things are looking pretty good with him. But like most Chileans, he is not married to
the woman he lives with, so we will see what happens there, but it was just
awesome to meet a guy that excited for the truth! It was a testimony builder for me as well! It was awesome to see someone be able to
recognize the truth so fast and feel the spirit and know that what he was
reading and hearing was true. That guy
was definitely the highlight of my week this week! He thought it was awesome how many families
were in the church and how happy they all looked - there is for sure something
to the gospel!! haha.. Today for a zone
activity we were able to go to a Chilean air and space museum. It was pretty fun with all the missionaries
but it was a Chilean airplane museum.... sooo, there wasn't too much stuff
haha. But it was a fun experience! something different! It was another super hot week here! and it
looks like it is gonna be another, but I better enjoy it while I've got it!! Thanks for the letters!! I hope everyone has a
great week!!
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