Hola!! Well it was
a super nice week here in Chile!! It has
finally cooled down and the weather was perfect this week, nice and cool at
nights and perfect during the day. I am
getting excited to see all the grape leaves change colors, I have heard it is
pretty sweet! This weekend was awesome, we were able to watch conference in English
in the High Council room at the stake center so we were able to watch all five
sessions. General Conference out here is
like Christmas, but way better!! Definitely
have gotten a lot more out of the last two conferences than I ever have the
rest of them combined in my life! Makes
a difference to take notes, haha.. So
that was a great topper onto a nice week. We are still teaching Jose Luis a lot and he
is pretty excited to get baptized. That
should happen in the beginning of May. He
really wants his parents to quit smoking and get married so that they can join
him , so we have been working with them a lot too, but I think it might be a
little while!! We have been focusing a
lot on helping the members here be more self-sufficient in the branch. I think if the missionaries left right now
that the branch would just fall apart. We
have been working with the leaders a lot and trying to get them to use the
manuals and stuff from the church. It was
kinda funny when the branch president opened the manual for the first time in a
few years and said ohhhh, maybe I should read this every now and then! It has been quite the few weeks here haha. The people are really great though and they
really are trying to do good, they just don't quite know how, so we are helping
them a lot with that right now. This
week I did have one terrible experience though... one night me and my comp were
really hungry so we went to get a completo, but the place was out and all they
had was a sandwich called sandwich potito. Poto means behind and ito means little, so we
just figured it was the rump roast of a little pig or something, so we got it
and took it home and I started eating it in the dark without looking at it, and
when I took the last bite my comp came in and turned on the light and when I
saw the leftover meat that was on my wrapper I knew I had made a big mistake. Then my comp saw it and burst out laughing,
and he said that he remembered what sandwich potito is, and I kinda figured
when I saw it, it is not the rump roast of a pig. It isn't literally little behind, but little
part of the behind, that is up in there a little bit. Yes I ate a sandwich of pig anus literally cut
up anus of a bunch of pigs, kinda like intestines, but a little bit worse, or a
lot a bit worse!!!!!!! Anyways I burst
out the back door and threw everything up that I had eaten that day and I think
the couple days before too, and continued to throw up until the next day haha..
I think it was just a mental thing, I
never have been one with the strongest stomach in the world!! and just to
confirm we went and asked the guy the next day and he said that some people
make it out of intestines but he just uses the anus :) what a sandwich!! learned from that experience for sure!!! It really wasn't that bad though just the
texture and the thought is all!! but anyway! I hope everyone has a great week!!!
Elder Moser

Sweet Chilian Knife
Catholic horse parade, looked kinda like the kkk to me!!!